Woocommerce Product Bundles Plugin

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Multiple products can be bundled together and sold using the WooCommerce product bundles plugin. Bundles can contain simple products, digital products, and variable products. You can choose a fixed price or product-based pricing for the bundle. You can make the products mandatory or optional in a bundle for customers. Also, set the quantity of each item you want to include in the bundle. This way, your customers can easily buy a collection of similar or different products all at once./p>

Key Features

  • Create Multiple WooCommerce Product Bundles
  • Add Simple or Variable Products in Bundles
  • Set Fixed or Product Based Pricing for a Bundle
  • Set Quantity of Each Product to Sell in a Bundle
  • Hide the Products in a Bundle for Customers
  • Display Mandatory or Optional Products
  • Set Minimum & Maximum for Quantity of Products in a WooCommerce bundle
  • The entire bundle will go out of stock if any of included products is out of stock
  • Offer fixed or percentage discount on each product in a bundle
  • Choose products from specific categories
  • Display Bundles in the attractive widget
  • Offer gift packing with various wrapping papers

If you want to include unlimited extra product option to your products, try our WooCommerce Product Addons Plugin

Set Fixed or Product Based Pricing for Bundle

WooCommerce bundle products plugin allows you to set a fixed price for each bundle or enable product based pricing which displays the sum of prices of selected products.



Display Bundles in Attractive Widget

You can attract customers by displaying the WooCommerce product bundles in a widget. You can also show specific bundles in the widget.

WooCommerce bundle - Widget

Add Simple or Variable Products in Bundles

WooCommerce bundle products plugin enables you to add simple products and variable products in a bundle.

WooCommerce bundle - variable products

Manage Stock of Simple and Variable Products in A Bundle

Using the WooCommerce product bundle plugin, you can control the inventory of both simple and variable products. If any product in the bundle runs out of stock, the entire bundle will be marked as out of stock automatically.

WooCommerce bundle - stock

Offer Fixed or Percentage Discount on Each Product in A Bundle

WooCommerce bundle plugin lets you offer either fixed or percentage discounts on each product included in the bundle.

WooCommerce bundle - discount

Create Multiple Product Bundles to Attract Customers

Combine several items using the WooCommerce product bundles to sell them together as a package. This allows you to make a special deal for customers by grouping different products. You can set quantity of each product to sell in a bundle.

WooCommerce bundle - create multiple bundles

Add Specific Products in a Bundle

The WooCommerce product bundles plugin lets you search and include certain products together in a bundle.

WooCommerce bundle - Add specific products

Add Products from Specific Category

You can also add products in a WooCommerce bundle from a specific category.

WooCommerce bundle - Add category

Allow Customers to Choose the Quantity of Products in a Bundle

WooCommerce bundle plugin lets you allow customers to choose the quantity of products available in a bundle.

WooCommerce bundle - Allow quantity of products

Set Minimum & Maximum Quantity of Products to Sell in a Bundle

Product bundle WooCommerce allows you to set the minimum and maximum quantity of products that customers can buy in a bundle.

WooCommerce bundle - Set quantity

Set Minimum & Maximum Quantity of Products Required to Buy a Bundle

WooCommerce product bundles allow you to set the maximum and minimum number of products needed to buy the bundle. Customers have to pick at least the minimum number of products in the bundle to buy it..

WooCommerce bundle - Set quantity

Add Mandatory and Optional Products in a Bundle

WooCommerce bundle products plugin lets you include both mandatory and optional items in a bundle. While customers can decide whether to include the optional product, they must include the mandatory items and cannot skip them.

WooCommerce bundle - mandatory and optional products

Add Title & Description of Added Products in Bundle

Product bundle WooCommerce lets you include the title and description of products included in a bundle. These details will appear on the product bundle page, making it simple for customers to understand the products.

WooCommerce bundle - Add title & description

Offer Gift Packing With Various Wrapping Papers

The WooCommerce bundle plugin lets you offer gift wrapping by including different types of wrapping papers for the bundle. You can also charge customers for the gift wrapping if you want.

WooCommerce bundle - Gift Wrap

Additional Features of WooCommerce Product Bundles Plugin

  • Hide product thumbnail
  • Expand all’ and ‘Close All’ Button for Products
  • Hide any product in a bundle
  • Products in a bundle are shown on order and checkout page


1. Can I create different types of bundles?

Ans.Yes, WooCommerce product bundles plugin supports various bundle types, including simple, variable products.

2. Can I apply discounts to specific product variations within a bundle?

Ans.Yes, with WooCommerce bundle you can apply fixed and percentage discount on specific products.

3. Does it support different pricing type?

Ans.WooCommerce bundle plugin support two types of pricing Bundle pricing and per item pricing.

4. Can I customize bundle contents?

Ans.Yes, WooCommerce product bundles plugin allows you to customize the product bundle content such as include optional or mandatory products and display product description.

Description in Dutch

Met de plug-in WooCommerce-productbundels kunt u meerdere producten samen in een bundel verkopen. U kunt eenvoudige, digitale en variabele producten in een bundel toevoegen. Schakel vaste prijs of productgebaseerde prijzen in voor de bundel. U kunt de producten verplicht of optioneel maken in een bundel voor klanten. Stel de hoeveelheid in van elk product dat u in een bundel wilt verkopen. Hiermee kunnen uw klanten in één keer een bundel van vergelijkbare of verschillende producten kopen.

  • Maak meerdere productbundels
  • Voeg eenvoudige of variabele producten toe aan bundels
  • Stel vaste of productgebaseerde prijzen in voor een bundel
  • Stel de hoeveelheid van elk product in om in een bundel te verkopen
  • Verberg de producten in een bundel voor klanten
  • Verplichte of optionele producten weergeven
  • Stel minimum en maximum in voor het aantal producten in een bundel
  • Verzendondersteuning inbegrepen


  • Bied een vaste of procentuele korting op elk product in een bundel
  • Kies producten uit specifieke categorieën

  • Beheer voorraad van enkelvoudige en variabele producten in een bundel
  • De hele bundel zal niet op voorraad zijn als een van de meegeleverde producten niet op voorraad is
  • Bundels weergeven in aantrekkelijke widget
  • Bied geschenkverpakkingen aan met verschillende inpakpapieren
  • Stel de minimale en maximale hoeveelheid producten in die nodig zijn om een bundel te kopen
  • Laat klanten een aangepast product aan een bundel toevoegen

Description in French

Le plugin de bundles de produits WooCommerce vous permet de vendre plusieurs produits ensemble dans un bundle. Vous pouvez ajouter des produits simples, numériques et variables dans un bundle. Activez la tarification à prix fixe ou basée sur le produit pour l’offre groupée. Vous pouvez rendre les produits obligatoires ou facultatifs dans un bundle pour les clients. Définissez la quantité de chaque produit que vous souhaitez vendre en lot. Il permet à vos clients d’acheter un lot de produits similaires ou différents en une seule fois.

  • Créer plusieurs lots de produits
  • Ajouter des produits simples ou variables dans les bundles
  • Définir une tarification fixe ou basée sur le produit pour un bundle
  • Définir la quantité de chaque produit à vendre dans un lot
  • Masquer les produits d’un bundle pour les clients
  • Afficher les produits obligatoires ou optionnels
  • Définir le minimum et le maximum pour la quantité de produits dans un lot
  • Support d’expédition inclus


  • Offrez une remise fixe ou en pourcentage sur chaque produit d’un lot
  • Choisissez des produits dans des catégories spécifiques

  • Gérer le stock de produits simples et variables dans un bundle
  • L’ensemble du lot sera en rupture de stock si l’un des produits inclus est en rupture de stock.
  • Afficher les bundles dans un widget attrayant
  • Offrez un emballage cadeau avec divers papiers d’emballage
  • Définissez la quantité minimale et maximale de produits requise pour acheter un lot
  • Autoriser les clients à ajouter un produit personnalisé dans un lot

Description in Italian

Il plug-in dei pacchetti di prodotti WooCommerce ti consente di vendere più prodotti insieme in un pacchetto. Puoi aggiungere prodotti semplici, digitali e variabili in un pacchetto. Abilita il prezzo fisso o il prezzo basato sul prodotto per il pacchetto. Puoi rendere i prodotti obbligatori o facoltativi in un pacchetto per i clienti. Imposta la quantità di ciascun prodotto che desideri vendere in bundle. Consente ai tuoi clienti di acquistare pacchetti di prodotti simili o diversi in una volta sola.

  • Crea più pacchetti di prodotti
  • Aggiungi prodotti semplici o variabili in pacchetti
  • Imposta un prezzo fisso o basato sul prodotto per un pacchetto
  • Imposta la quantità di ciascun prodotto da vendere in un pacchetto
  • Nascondi i prodotti in un pacchetto per i clienti
  • Visualizza prodotti obbligatori o facoltativi
  • Imposta il minimo e il massimo per la quantità di prodotti in un pacchetto
  • Supporto per la spedizione incluso


  • Offri uno sconto fisso o percentuale su ogni prodotto in un pacchetto
  • Scegli i prodotti da categorie specifiche

  • Gestisci lo stock di prodotti semplici e variabili in un pacchetto
  • L’intero pacchetto andrà esaurito se uno qualsiasi dei prodotti inclusi è esaurito
  • Visualizza i pacchetti in un widget attraente
  • Offri confezioni regalo con varie carte da regalo
  • Imposta la quantità minima e massima di prodotti necessari per acquistare un pacchetto
  • Consenti ai clienti di aggiungere un prodotto personalizzato in un pacchetto

Description in Spanish

El complemento de paquetes de productos de WooCommerce le permite vender varios productos juntos en un paquete. Puede agregar productos simples, digitales y variables en un paquete. Habilite el precio fijo o el precio basado en productos para el paquete. Puede hacer que los productos sean obligatorios u opcionales en un paquete para los clientes. Establezca la cantidad de cada producto que desea vender en un paquete. Permite a sus clientes comprar un paquete de productos similares o varios de una sola vez.

  • Crear paquetes de productos múltiples
  • Agregue productos simples o variables en paquetes
  • Establecer precios fijos o basados en productos para un paquete
  • Establecer la cantidad de cada producto para vender en un paquete
  • Ocultar los productos en un paquete para clientes
  • Mostrar productos obligatorios u opcionales
  • Establecer mínimo y máximo para la cantidad de productos en un paquete
  • Soporte de envío incluido


  • Ofrezca un descuento fijo o porcentual en cada producto en un paquete
  • Elija productos de categorías específicas

  • Administre el stock de productos simples y variables en un paquete
  • Todo el paquete se agotará si alguno de los productos incluidos está agotado
  • Mostrar paquetes en un widget atractivo
  • Ofrezca embalaje de regalo con varios papeles de regalo
  • Establezca la cantidad mínima y máxima de productos necesarios para comprar un paquete
  • Permita que los clientes agreguen productos personalizados en un paquete

Description in German

Mit dem Plug-in für WooCommerce-Produktpakete können Sie mehrere Produkte zusammen in einem Paket verkaufen. Sie können einfache, digitale und variable Produkte in einem Bundle hinzufügen. Aktivieren Sie Festpreis- oder produktbasierte Preise für das Bundle. Sie können die Produkte in einem Paket für Kunden obligatorisch oder optional machen. Legen Sie die Menge jedes Produkts fest, das Sie in einem Bündel verkaufen möchten. Es ermöglicht Ihren Kunden, Bündel ähnlicher oder verschiedener Produkte auf einmal zu kaufen.

  • Erstellen Sie mehrere Produktpakete
  • Fügen Sie einfache oder variable Produkte in Bündeln hinzu
  • Legen Sie feste oder produktbasierte Preise für ein Bundle fest
  • Legen Sie die Menge jedes Produkts fest, das in einem Bündel verkauft werden soll
  • Ausblenden der Produkte in einem Bundle für Kunden
  • Zeigen Sie obligatorische oder optionale Produkte an
  • Legen Sie das Minimum und Maximum für die Anzahl der Produkte in einem Bündel fest
  • Versandunterstützung inklusive


  • Bieten Sie einen festen oder prozentualen Rabatt auf jedes Produkt in einem Paket an
  • Wählen Sie Produkte aus bestimmten Kategorien aus

  • Verwalten Sie den Bestand an einfachen und variablen Produkten in einem Bündel
  • Das gesamte Paket wird ausverkauft, wenn eines der enthaltenen Produkte nicht vorrätig ist
  • Zeigen Sie Bundles in einem attraktiven Widget an
  • Bieten Sie Geschenkverpackungen mit verschiedenen Geschenkpapieren an
  • Legen Sie die Mindest- und Höchstmenge an Produkten fest, die zum Kauf eines Pakets erforderlich sind
  • Ermöglichen Sie Kunden, benutzerdefinierte Produkte in einem Paket hinzuzufügen

Change Log

Version 1.2.1
Fixed bug: Multiple products are set to optional then one of the products is excluded during add to cart
Version 1.2.0
Minor Issue Resolved
Version 1.1.9
Minor bug fixes
Version 1.1.8
Made compatible with multisite
Version 1.1.7
Thumbnail Issue Resolved
Version 1.1.6
Add new feature of Per Product with Bundle Price
Minor Issues resolved
Version 1.1.5
Resolved some minor issues.
Version 1.1.4
Resolved some minor issues.
Version 1.1.3
Resolved some minor issues.
Version 1.1.2
1. Wrapping select option issued resolved
2. Wrapping price issue resolved
Version 1.1.1
Resolve some bugs
Version 1.1.0
1. Image Placeholder
2. Price issue in cart page
3. Price of product multiplied quantity issue
4. Replace add to pack with checkbox
5. Price zero on shop page
6. Grid item view problem
7. Hide product option not working on single product page.
8. Default variation value clear issue add to cart disabled
9.Custom field in grid for grid columns(template tab)
10. Price zero on single product page if discount type none
11. Show discount price only for discounted products
Version 1.0.9 - 
Fixed Some Bugs
Version 1.0.8:
Following Bugs are Fixed:
1) Per item pricing issue
2) Quick edit issue
3) Theme customization 
4) Simple products error on frontend
5) Variable Price and image issue
6) Product description issue
Version 1.0.7:
Bug Fixed:
1) JS error fixes.
Version 1.0.6 Updated:
New Features Added:

1) Offer fixed or percentage discount on each product in a bundle
2) Set minimum & maximum quantity of products required to buy a bundle
3) Entire bundle will go out of stock if any of included products is out of stock
4) Display Bundles in an attractive widget
5) Choose products from specific categories
6) Offer gift packing with various wrapping papers
7) Manage stock of simple and variable products in a bundle

Version 1.0.5:
Bug Fixed:
1) JS error fixes.
Version 1.0.4:
Bug Fixed:
1) Issue fixed with custom product variations.
Version 1.0.3:
Bug Fixed:
1) Price per product do not works when we add min and max quantity
2) Quantity of products do not add to carts as user define when we add min and max quantity.
Version 1.0.2:
New Features:
1) Variable product variations single multiple and woocommerce ready
2) Min Max quantity.
3) User quantity.

Version 1.0.1:
New Features:
1) Variable product support.

Version 1.0.0:

1) Initial release of plugin.


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