WooCommerce Product Description Plugin – Show on Shop Page

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Write a Catchy Description for your Products with WooCommerce Product Description Plugin to elevate your store conversions!

Short & catchy descriptions play an important role in increasing your store’s conversions.

Therefore, it is a must to write one. You can use WooCommerce product description plugin to write short descriptions of your product, shop, category, or tag pages.

WooCommerce product description plugin allows you to set the character limit that enhances the overall look with text alignments and adjustments.

You can choose to write bold, underline, colorful & change the position of text in any way. You have complete control over customization options.

  • Display Short Product Description on Shop, Category & Tag Pages
  • Set Character Limit for Short Description
  • Option to Use Enhanced Text Editor
  • Choose Text Color, Alignment, & Position for Description

Display Short Product Description on Shop

WooCommerce show product description on shop page plugin enables you to display the short product description on the shop page below the product name.

WooCommerce product description - shop page

Show Short Description on Category Page

This plugin provides an option to show a short description on the category page.

WooCommerce product description - category page

Display Product Description on Tag Pages

Product description WooCommerce also helps you to display descriptions on tag pages.

WooCommerce product description - tag page

Option to Use Enhanced Text Editor

Enable enhanced text editor if you want to display text in bold, underline, or other designs on the shop page.

WooCommerce product description - enhanced editor

Set Character Limit for Short Description

With the WooCommerce product description plugin, you can set the character limit for the product description to show on the shop page.

WooCommerce product description - character limit

You can align the text and link color also set position of the descriptions to your website accordingly.

WooCommerce product description - styling


1. Where will the product descriptions be displayed?

Ans. WooCommerce product description allows you to display the description on shop page.

2. Can I customize the appearance of the product descriptions on the shop page?

Ans. Yes, WooCommerce product short description plugin offers customization options, including the ability to adjust the layout, font styles, and color schemes.

3. Does the plugin support variable products and their respective descriptions?

Ans. WooCommerce product description plugin supports the variable products but it will only show one description for variable product.

4. Is there a specific word count for product description?

Ans. You can set the word count limit of product description WooCommerce to display at shop page.

5. What if the product description is long and word count limit is less?

Ans. Customers will need to visit the shop page in order to view the entire WooCommerce product description if the description exceeds the word count limit.

Change Log

Version 1.0.6
Set words limit functionality. 
Fix CSS issues.
Version 1.0.5
Compatible with multisite
Version 1.0.4
Minor Issues Resolved
Version 1.0.3
Resolved css Issues
Version 1.0.2
Minor Bugs fixed
Version 1.0.1
Bugs fixed
Version 1.0.0 
Initial Release

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x

Compatible With
Demo Url


Gutenberg Optimized


High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, HTML, CSS, PHP

Video Preview Resolution
