WooCommerce Review Master – WooCommerce review and rating tools

  • Reviews:



WooCommerce review master plugin that helps to display customers’ reviews and ratings on your website with variant way. It’s also built with some incredible features,
like product top reviewed badge, photo upload option in product review, review reminder slider in the customer dashboard, etc.
We believe that this plugin helps you to add more credibility to your WooCommerce Store and increase conversion rates.

WooCommerce Review Master - WooCommerce review and rating tools - 1

WooCommerce Review Master - WooCommerce review and rating tools - 2

Product Reviews

WooCommerce Review Master - WooCommerce review and rating tools - 3

WooCommerce Review Master - WooCommerce review and rating tools - 4



Features List:

  • Product review with photo
  • Average ratings card before product review form
  • Ratings split card before product review form
  • Product top reviewed badge
  • Product review show elementor widget
  • Products reviews show elementor widget
  • Products reviews show shortcode
  • Reviewed Products show elementor widget
  • Category wise Reviewed Products show elementor widget
  • Recent review push notification
  • My Account Page Review Reminder Slider
  • Translation ready
  • Well Online Documentation
  • Free Unlimited update

Update and Change logs

16 April 24 V1.3.4

1. Fixed CSS Issues
2. Fixed responsive issues
3. Fixed WooCommerce latest version compatibility issues
4. Fixed WooCommerce HOPS compatibility issues
5. Fixed some other issues 
17 August 23 V1.3.3

1. Fixed WordPress 6.3 compatibility issues
2. Fixed Custom Top Rated Badge upload not working issue
3. Fixed some other issues 
14 July 22 V1.3.2

1. Add multiple review push notification show option
2. Fixed Admin settings tab active issue
3. Add licensing system
4. Fixed some other issues 
14 April 22 V1.3.1

1. Fixed Zero Division error on product reviews
2. Fixed elementor latest version compatibility issue
3. Fixed some other issues 
07 January 22 V1.3.0

1. Add review template settings option in admin
2. Product review form star rating style ( like  single star rating, multiple star rating )
3. Add product average rating card before product review form
4. Add product rating split card before product review form
5. Add recent review show push notification
6. Fixed some issues
17 September 21 V1.2.0

1. Fixed when only one product needs to be reviewed, it shows up 3 times issue.
2. Fixed PHP 8x compatibility issue
3. Fixed some other issue
1 August 21 V1.1.0

1. Add GDPR checkbox field in product review form
2. Fixed some other issue


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