WooCommerce Tabbed Category Product Listing – Pro

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WooTabbed for WooCommerce Product Display

WooCommerce Tabbed Category Product Listing is an elegant solution to display woocommerce categories on Home page or any page. It shows All or Featured or Sale products category wise in tabbed, accordion or carousel format. Best possible solution if you want to List all your products in a single page or want to display just the products on Sale or your Featured products based on Categories. Pro version comes packed with 10+ elegant templates to choose from, ajax Load More, Floating Cart, Product Filtering, Live On-Page Product Search, Complete customization, and many more advanced settings.

Bonus Features: WooTabbed Pro also comes with a Premium Category Selection Widget with Collapsible Category Links, List all Categories and Sub Categories on any page with shortcode and Customer Conversion Report!

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WooTabbed for WooCommerce Product Display is a premium WooCommerce Add-On and one of its kind. This is a perfect solution to showcase all your products category wise in tab, accordion or carousel layout on a single page. You can also use this plugin to display only the products on sale or display featured products only. This Pro version comes packed with 10+ templates, Ajax Load More, extensive customization options, and many advanced settings.

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WooCommerce Tabbed Category Product Listing Main Features:

10+ Unique, Elegant Designs to Choose from

WooTabbed Pro version comes with 10+ Responsive, Mobile Friendly, Modern templates to choose from.

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Tab Mode:

Tab mode is the standard and goes well with almost any themes. The tab mode templates display products in a grid layout. You can choose from 7 different styles that match your theme.

Accordion Mode:

The accordion mode is a unique way to display all your product categories and let users open the category tab he is looking for.
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Carousel Mode:

Carousel template is suitable to place anywhere on your homepage or landing page and let the shoppers shift through all your products category wise and make a purchase decision quickly.
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Woo tabbed provides a new shortcode to Display 4 Tabs for Hot, New, Best Buy and Featured products. This can be a great addition for your Home page or a landing page. Users can quickly find out the best products on your store to buy.

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List All Categories on a Page

Run a large store with a lot of categories and sub categories? WooTabbed can List all the categories and sub categories on any page with a simple shortcode.

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AJAX Category Filters

Users can sort through different categories using the filter buttons at the top. New products will be loaded bu AJAX without reloading the page. Filter buttons are completely customizable from the backend. The filter buttons can be Stacked or displayed in carousel mode in a single line.
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Supports Sub Category Filters

Display top level categories first and sub categories in drop downs so users can easily navigate and filter between all the categories from one page using AJAX. Woo tabbed is the only plugin that allows this!

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AJAX Load More and Add to Cart

Select number of products to show initially and AJAX load more to show the rest. Also included AJAX Add to Cart.

Ajax Floating Quick Cart

WooCommerce Tabbed Category plugin Includes an Ajax based Floating Quick Cart that opens up when a product has been added to the cart and is readily accessible so shoppers can quickly view what products has been ordered. You can enable Floating cart for all pages or just the WooTabbed page.

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Single Page Mode – Load Product Details in LightBox

With a simple ShortCode option you can choose to use WooCommerce Tabbed Category plugin as a single page shop. Once enabled, the product title and image will open a modal lightbox with more product details instead of linking to the product’s single page. You shoppers can view and add products to the cart all from the same page!

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Display Sales Products Only

If you have a large store and have a lot of products – use the Display Sale Products Only shortcode parameter. Only the products on sale will be displayed. Works with all available templates. Works the best with Carousel template.

Want to List your featured products only? No problem. Use the Display Featured Products Only shortcode parameter. Only the products you marked as featured will be displayed. All templates support this feature. Works wonder with the Accordion template.

WooCommerce Catalog Mode

Turn off the Add to Cart Options to Display product in Catalog mode only without any buy option. Great single page catalog for all your products.

WooCommerce Product Quick View

Enable the Quick View feature and the WooCommerce Product Quick View will load the product details and product gallery images in a lightbox modal.

Extensive Customization Settings

Colors, number of letters, filter buttons, text to be used – everything can be customized according to your preferences from the friendly Settings page.
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Easy to Use

This WooCommerce add-on is extremely easy to use. Simply activate the plugin and paste the shortcode to any page and it will start doing its magic!

As an added bonus, this plugin comes with a Widget which lists all your Categories and Sub Categories in the sidebar with Expand and Collapse option. WooCommerce, by default, does have a category links widget which you can add to your sidebars. However, the default widget is very limited with virtually no option and does not have collapsible, expandable category links feature. If your online store has a lot of categories and subcategories, the default widget is useless because it would make your web page way too long! Wootabbed Category links Widget solves this problem and also comes with 6 different designs to choose from and also an option to show Category links as a drop down!

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Customer Conversion Rate Tracking

Track if your customers are abandoning carts. Conversion Report and Statistics that show how many shoppers are adding products to the cart, how many have reached the checkout page and how many actually completed the order process. Very helpful to take necessary action in reducing abandoned cart. Combine this WooCommerce Conversion Tracking report with the retargeting features to increase your sales by up to 25%!

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Sale More with Wootabbed WholeSale AddOn

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Increase sales on your Woocommerce shop with the WholeSale addon. This plugin provides useful features like Role Based Pricing, Dynamic Pricing and discounts based on Weight, Quantity, Price, Total Units and Number of items and Minimum Maximum Quantity for checkout.

Woocommerce Tabbed Product Category Features:

  • 10+ Innovative Design Templates to Choose from
  • Extensive Options to Fine Tune the Plugin Behavior to Your Need
  • AJAX Load More Products
  • AJAX Tabbed, Accordion or Carousel Category Filtering
  • Live, On-page Product Search
  • Can be used in any language
  • Display Featured Products Only
  • Display Sales Products Only (products on sale)
  • Shortcode for Hot, New, Best Buy and Featured Products
  • Display only Top Level Categories & Sub Categories in Drop Down
  • Display Products in Accordion Mode
  • Display Products in Carousel Mode
  • Limit Number of Products to Show
  • Scroll or Stacked Category Filter Tabs
  • Option to display category description in tool tip
  • WooCommerce Product Quick View
  • Fixed Position Category Filtering
  • Front End Product Filtering & Ordering
  • Link Products to LightBox Modal Instead of Product Details Page (one page shop)
  • Floating Ajax Quick Cart!
  • Display Floating Cart on All Pages or Only on Wootabbed page
  • Selectively Display Price, Rating, Title, Cart Link
  • Exclude Selected Categories
  • AJAX Add to Cart
  • Woocommerce Widget with Collapsible Category Links
  • Widget Links to All Your Categories from Side Bar
  • Customer Conversion Reporting with Charts and Graphs
  • Shopper Conversion Statistics by Day, Week, Month and Custom Date Range
  • Custom CSS to Add Your Own Style
  • Adjust Font Size and Colors of All Templates
  • Show or Hide ALL Products Tab
  • Display category image thumb
  • Easy to Use with Shortcode
  • Rapid, One on One Premium Support
  • Lifetime Free PlugIn Upgrades

This is a WooCommerce add on. Woocommerce must be installed and active before you install this plugin

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Version History

=======Version 8.5.2=================
# woo widget Single Page Only show children of the current category
# woo widget Show Single Page product List according to category
=======Version 8.5.0=================
# woo tabbed template ten prev and next arrow css bug -- fixed
# woo tabbed pro licensing function issue fixed.
# woo tabbed conversation report bug fixed
=======Version 8.4.0=================
# Product Search Form for quick search product css bug fixed
# Product Details Quick View css bug fixed
# Reset all options to default data checked and fixed
# If you select woo instant cart it will enable Ajax add to cart globally.

=======Version 8.3.0=================
# get_categories replace with wc_get_product_category_list product details modal -- issue fixed
# general settings & display settings item decorated
# color settings tab added
# Admin responsive issue fixed

=======Version 8.0.0=================
# Theme three category load more button -- bug fixed
# Tooltip animation - remove -- fixed
# Show products and categories even if there is no product prices -- it is working when price empty
=======Version 7.6.0=================
# Apply all relevant CSS fixes to the main plugin itself instead of -- fixed
=======Version 7.5.0=================
# Fix all issues in console -- fixed
# Lightbox quick view double -- fixed
# Add to cart double message -- ( checked single message working )

=======Version 7.0.0=================
# please check now swal message twice remove
# Add to cart button behavior working
#  Woo tabbed pro settings rename Others->Custom CSS
# hot deal tabs, hot deal carousel support shortcode attribute.
# licensing option added.
# responsive issue on mobile device subcategory show full width
# ajax quick view cart issue fixed 
# single page link remove if add to shortcode link_title_to_modal='1'
# category tab product visibility query not working properly ... fixed
# Show all category design modify
# hot deal carousel design modify
# some css error fixed
# products visibility private and hidden bug fixed
# load more inline css removed...
# show all category shortcode generate...
# admin usage section some modifyication ...
# hot deals carousel variable product title bug fixed
# hot deals carousel shortcode create and checked...
# support tab added... 

=======Version 6.8.0=================
# responsive issue fixed
# working on woo tabbed quick cart when disable issue fixed 
# theme four when all category off then error showing -- bug fixed
# theme nine all category button disble not showing product when page load-- error fixed
# quantity increse and reduce not working properly -- bug fixed
# add to cart quantity 1 working when quantity increase ... bug fixed
# All Tab Default Loading button not working properly
# product category menu css bug fixed
# theme eleven tooltip right alignment bug fixed.
# Template One Multiple shortcode use on single page.
# Hot deal tab Multiple shortcode use on single page.
# Tooltip position fixed
# woo tabbed category pro variable product validation checking
# jquery variable product add to cart "top" error fixed
# Product Search placeholder text change from language center
# sorting text change from language center
# Category menu button top tooltip show for category description
# Product Search Form for quick search product

=======Version 6.7.0=================
# add to cart ajax some issue fixed...
# Floating Quick Cart Display Only on Woo tabbed page or all pages option created
# on sale button show default on hot-deals-tab
# Template three and other css issue fixed
# z-index issue for sub categories -- fixed
# Number of hot deals product show in each Tab
# hot-deals-tab some css modify ....
# Load more button language change option issue fixed ....
# Template one image hover effect for short description ....
# Product category tab dropdown menu added
# Theme 10 show navbar menu top and bottom 
# dropdown menu color change from admin section
# Theme 10 navbar top, bottom enable and disable from admin section, default show bottom.

=======Version 6.5.0=================
# Hot, New, Best Buy, Featured product tab and show by shortcode.
# Template 10 some responsive issue fixed..
# Template 10 slider left arrow css config fixed..
# template 10 product images added single page link.

=======Version 6.0.0=================
# before some css and js use globally, now called only woo tabbed shortcode page...
# woo tabbed shortcode array_key_exists error fixed
# Woo Instant Cart & Checkout Right Float
# quick view modal price margin reduced....
# quick view modal link class name changed....

=======Version 5.7.0=================
# quick view modal some simple design change....
# Override the All Category button text from admin language center.
# Activation Plugin after redirect plugin page ....
# theme ten hover card box button hover effect not working properly .. fixed ....
# theme four quick view link added when variable product load more product show ....
# link_title_to_modal='1' working on all templates and the shortcode ....

# mobile responsive height problem fixed ....
=======Version 5.4.0=================
# cart and checkout page woocommerce cart and checkout page url use ...
# quick view category tag link remove
# quick view button customize
# variable product button change by quick view button.
# when choose feature product then only featured product category show to category menu...
# slick js error fixed
# category widget class error fixed
# variable product quick view changed

=======Version 5.0.0=================
# variable product select option price change issue fixing
# variable product add to cart button bug fixing
# Front End template product Sorting dropdown select box  by ajax
# Enable disable sorting dropdown by admin section.
# some css issue fixed.
# product quick view image issue fixed.

=======Version 4.9.0=================
# product quick view variable product add to cart button added.
# product quick view show magnific popup modal
# modal show with product details.
# sticky menu for category, noted( this sticky only working on product section )
# product category img show carosoul slider template above of category name.
# image hover product details link issue fixed.

=======Version 4.4.0=================
# if theme eleven product img is empty show excerpt 
# product img or excerpt is empty show placeholder img
# when hover product image then show description.
# when category tab clicked then change product and scroll product section on mobile version.
# slick slider not working template seven.
# slick js library conflict issue (fixed problem) ...
# template eleven single category filter not working properly (fixed problem) ...

=======Version 4.0.0=================
# category filtering by category-ids with shortcode ...
# customer conversion report feature added 
=======Version 3.9.0=================
# when shortcode copy html tag remove form shortcode ...
# when use shortcode parameter category-ids not properly filtering all category ... (problem fixed all theme)
=======Version 3.8.0=================
# All product category filtering not working (problem fixed). All pages and ajax filtering now working Properly.
# slick slider mobile version on off option add plugin 
# template two product css error fix
# product category ordering title change
# product category ordering not working ... ( problem fixed )

=======Version 3.4.0=================
# product hover box position updated
=======Version 3.3.0=================
# product hover box display by accordin to admin display setting

Version 3.2.0
# Accordion style category filter menu added plus, minus to collapse
# Fixed a bug for Load More products

Version 2.4.0 
 -- added two new shortcode attributes to filter products in shortcode. They are
 Example: [wtcpl-product-cat theme='three' featured-only=1] // Filter "Featured" products
         [wtcpl-product-cat theme='three' sale-only=1]        // Filter "Sale" products
 -- Added new sales ribbon.
 -- Added new carousel template.
 -- Added option in backend to set text for if no product is found under specific category.
 -- Fixed issue in template four where add to cart vanished after product added to cart.
 -- Fixed an issue that cause short code always renders at the top of the page
 -- Set theme eight default category button color to transparent white.
 -- Added an new optional attribute in shortcode to pass. You can now pass a list of category ids as follows.
   [wtcpl-product-cat theme='five' category-ids='78,102,39,98']    
   When passing optional parameters, you must specify theme name in exact order.
 -- Fixed an issue that cause sale ribbon not showing on template ten.
 -- Updated hover effect on template three.
 -- Fixed an issue that cause carousel template show arrow even when there is no more category to show.
 -- Fixed an issue that shows load more button not working when sale-only=1 attribute passed in shortcode.
 -- Added cart button behavior, ajax or redirect to cart page
 -- Minor css bug fixed in template two. 
 -- Number of responsive issue fixed for multiple templates
 -- Visual composer compatibility issue fixed.
 -- Added 5 different theme for side barwidget
 -- Added 3 different option to control sidebar widget behaviour.
 -- Fixed an issue that cause "Load more" button not showing on certain theme
 -- Fixed an issue that cause "Load More" button showing on top of the container on certain theme.
 -- css issue fixed on multiple layouts.
 -- Fixed "Load More" issue in template two.
 -- Added price in product sorting option in backend.
 -- Added a new accordion template

Version 1.6.0 – released on Sept 13 – 2017
 Updated coding logic to check if WooCommerce is already installed and active.
 Fixed a conflict with certain divi version
Version 1.5.0 – released on Sept 06 – 2017

Informação adicional

Compatible Browsers

Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible Software

WordPress 6.3.x, WordPress 6.2.x, WordPress 6.1.x, WordPress 6.0.x, WordPress 5.9.x, WordPress 5.8.x, WordPress 5.7.x, WordPress 5.6.x, WordPress 5.5.x, WordPress 5.4.x, WordPress 5.3.x, WordPress 5.2.x, WordPress 5.1.x, WordPress 5.0.x, WordPress 4.9.x

Compatible With

WooCommerce 8.x.x, WooCommerce 7.x.x, WooCommerce 6.x.x

Demo Url

http://dev.quantumcloud.com/woocommerce Tabbed Product Display/

Gutenberg Optimized


High Resolution


Source Files Included

JavaScript JS, JavaScript JSON, HTML, XML, CSS, PHP

Video Preview Resolution
