The WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin converts your e-commerce store into a fully functional marketplace having multiple sellers with separate seller profiles and gives sellers the functionality of adding the products from the seller panel. Using this plugin the seller can view and edit his profile information. He can view his product list and search, edit or delete products from it. The seller can view a record of his transactions and sales charts on his dashboard. He can view his order history for all the orders, change his password and even ask questions to the admin.
The admin can also manage the product list, seller list, commissions, and settings. Admin can edit or delete products, approve, disapprove or assign sellers to products, set separate commission rates for different sellers and can change settings like product auto-publish and seller auto-approval permissions.
Note: Marketplace Lite is required to use Marketplace Pro.
This module is now compatible with WooCommerce’s new High-Performance Order Storage (HPOS) feature.
WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Features
Sellers can add all default WooCommerce product types.
Customer and can give Review & Ratings to the seller. This feature makes believe in the seller. Customers purchase products from sellers who give good quality products and shipping services. A good seller gets more and more sales.
The seller/Supplier name will be visible on the Product page. Now a seller will be identified by their name. Once a seller earns the trust of the customers then, they will go for the product.
All the URLs ’s are SEO friendly. Using a Search Friendly URL is one of the many search engine optimization techniques. Many of the websites that are using incorrect or suboptimal URLs get low indexing by the Google crawlers and thereby reduce the site ranking.
Admin can create a WooCommerce Marketplace Seller Central where users can separately register themselves as sellers. The user who wants to become a seller can register here. With the help of this feature users now has a separate signup page to become a seller.
Order history and order management are must-have features for any stable marketplace, WooCommerce Multivendor Marketplace contains order management which means the vendor can manage the order and can generate the invoice. Admin of the marketplace is also able to generate the invoice for the orders.
WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin
is now compatible and certified by WPML (The WordPress Multilingual Plugin).
WordPress WooCommerce Multi Vendor Marketplace Plugin
is fully compatible with woostify theme.
Each seller will have his Separate seller profile. Once you set up your WordPress site using WooCommerce Marketplace, you can go ahead and give people registering on the site the choice of registering as a vendor or seller. It provides a separate profile that is managed by the seller. And it is a very important feature of a B2C Marketplace.
Now the sellers of the marketplace will be able to manage their shipping from their account panel. Sellers can easily set up the new shipping zones and can add the shipping methods for these zones.
Using the product by feature, buyers will be able to see the seller’s name on the product page. Also, the customer will be able to check the profile page of a seller by clicking on the name of the seller on the product page.
The seller can inquire from the admin by asking a question to the admin. This feature allows sellers to make a query to the admin if they are stuck somewhere. Admin can resolve queries of sellers by providing appropriate answers.
Sellers can view all their orders with the billing and shipping addresses of the customers.
A customer/buyer can mark any seller/supplier of the marketplace as a favourite seller. A customer can see all marked favourite sellers under his account panel. The seller can also able to see their followers and can send a custom message to them.
The admin can set commissions for the Sellers. Admin can set the commission in percentage globally for all the sellers. But it has a feature also to set different commissions for different sellers. It is a very helpful feature, now the admin can lower some commission percentage for the sellers whose sale is very good.
Admin can set to Auto Approve Sellers. With this feature, a new seller who wants to join the marketplace will be auto-approved.
Admin can set auto to allow sellers to publish their products. Now there is no need to approve every product added by the seller. Products will be auto-published on the marketplace.
Admin will be able to approve or disapprove any seller or any seller’s product. If there is a seller who is involved in fraudulent activities or his services are not up to the mark of the marketplace, the admin can disapprove of that seller. Even admin can disapprove a product if that is fake or not priced correctly.
Admin will be able to make a customer to seller from the admin panel. Now there is no requirement to wait for a request from a user to become a seller in the marketplace. A customer can also become a seller. Admin can just update the role of a customer to a seller.
Admin can Assign any Product to any seller as per the need. This feature helps to set up a seller’s account quickly.
Now the admin has the ability to fill in the seller details and create a profile.
Start Selling Today With WordPress WooCommerce Multi-Vendor Marketplace
Using this plugin anyone can achieve success who wants to create some extra stream of income online. The best part is that it requires no technical knowledge to set it up. The developers have done a good job of making the setup very easy even for beginners.
Additionally, this plugin comes with interesting features that you don’t see on other plugins. Like we can add various features with the help of it’s add-ons. Some of add-ons like Marketplace Quote System is very useful for B2B Marketplace. Another add-on Marketplace Mass Upload can be used to upload products from Seller/Supplier end.
Webkul Multi-Vendor Marketplace plugin is fully compatible with any third-party themes as long as it is working fine with the default WooCommerce platform. Check out –
- Multi Vendor Velocity Theme for Woocommerce by Webkul.
- Xtremo Responsive Theme for WooCommerce by Webkul.
- Woostify Theme for Woocommerce by Woostify.
- Electro Electronics Store WooCommerce Theme by MadrasThemes.
The developers are constantly updating and adding new features thereby making it even better every day. No doubt, the WooCommerce Marketplace is the “ the game-changer” for WordPress WooCommerce shop owners. No need to waste time looking for an alternative, you can get the plugin today and enjoy the awesome features that come with it.
"Initial release v 1.0.0", "Current release v 5.5.0"
v 5.5.0 (2024-01-22) Fixed: Multiple security and Nonce verification issues.
v 5.4.2 (2024-01-08) Fixed: Seller shipping class not updating from the frontend dashboard. Fixed: Issue with changing user role from seller to customer in admin dashboard. Fixed: Button style on frontend shipping setting page.
v 5.4.0 (2023-11-15) Added: Allow admin to add a new seller from the dashboard. Added: Support for all marketplace add-ons via pro module only. Moved: Basic functionalities in our lite module. Fixed: Seller posts count on seller backend dashboard. Fixed: Searching is not working on the ask to admin list.
v 5.3.0 (2023-06-30) Added: Caching on multiple database queries to optimize the code and speed up loading. Added: Accept terms and conditions checkbox on the 'Seller registration' and 'Become a Seller' pages. Added: Sold By Seller name on 'Add to Cart' button hover on catalog pages. Fixed: Notices due to conflicts with the Multi-currency plugin. Fixed: Issue in adding and deleting shipping zone. Fixed: Mails are sent only to the first seller in case of multiple sellers in an order. Fixed: Issues in deleting shop followers and favorite sellers. Fixed: Total amount calculation in seller's mail.
v 5.2.4 (2022-12-26) Added: Feature for adding Google Map API key for showing top billing countries on seller dashboard properly. Added: Settings and documents link in plugin meta row. Added: TineMCE editor on shop about section on seller dashboard. Added: Seller mapping on creating an order from admin end to list the order on seller dashboard. Added: Simplified UI on changing product status on seller dashboard. Added: Appropriate price validation message on seller product edit as in WooCommerce. Added: Default shop name as seller name and shop slug as seller's username. Added: Setting for Admin Dashboard endpoint text on seller end. Fixed: Calculations on total sales and remaining amount on seller dashboard. Fixed: Commission calculation in case of admin order and advanced commission. Fixed: Notice on refund and invalid refund amount issue on seller dashboard. Fixed: Issue with maximum amount restriction upto 999 in miscellaneous settings on seller dashboard. Fixed: Variation name are not showing on seller order views page. Fixed: Notice showing to seller on adding and editing products when no product type is allowed from admin.
v 5.2.2 (2022-08-19) Added: Feature to allow paragraph in about shop page. Added: Feature to add zero-price product from seller's dashboard. Added: Deleted seller's reviews in admin to allow its cleaning if needed. Added: Security validation on editing/deleting shipping zone. Added: Support for web images on seller profile update. Fixed: Rollback SEO-friendly URL with setting to remove shop name and shop URL from the seller registration page. Fixed: Seller id not decoding to seller shop's URL in emails. Fixed: Shipping calculation issue in case of virtual product is in the cart for a seller. Fixed: Shipping calculation issue in case of a seller has not added any shipping. Fixed: Zero amount shipping not showing shipping method on checkout. Fixed: The order number was not showing on the view order page for the seller dashboard. Fixed: Pagination not working properly on seller's store collection page. Fixed: Product filter in admin product listing page under the marketplace. Fixed: Shipping was showing multiple times on the seller order view page in case of multiple sellers' products in the order. Fixed: Top billing countries are not plotting on the map on the seller's dashboard. Fixed: Discount was not showing on the seller's invoice. Fixed: Invoice link in admin order listing page. Fixed: Product link on notification section on seller dashboard.
v 5.2.0 (2022-03-30) Added: Frontend seller dashboard endpoints to Woocommerce My Account Page. Added: CSRF security on product delete on the frontend. Added: Filter to hide SKU field from frontend product add/update form. Added: Default product status as published on adding a new product by the seller if they are allowed to publish. Added: Price validation on seller product adds/updates according to woocommerce dynamic decimal separator. Added: Admin notice when registration is disabled from woocommerce settings. Added: Support and Services menu for direct links to our contacts. Fixed: Shipping calculations according to class price configuration for flat rate shipping. Fixed: Seller registration from the radio button to native one and removed color full styling to avoid theme conflicts. Fixed: Notice showing due Optional parameter before required parameter. Fixed: Issues on image upload on seller dashboard. Fixed: Showing other Seller and admin's shipping on the seller's backend dashboard if the seller was deleting a shipping zone. Fixed: SKU validation and removed required condition frontend seller product form as in woocommerce. Fixed: Product creating again and again on page refresh on seller frontend dashboard. Fixed: Downloads files are not showing on the seller product edit page. Fixed: Form re-submission issues on page refresh. Fixed: Seller profile link from order view and edit page. Fixed: Issue with removing fraction part from default commission on seller registration. Fixed: Product sorting based on price in admin seller product listing page. Removed: Frontend seller dashboard endpoints from seller page. Removed: Native woocommerce shipping methods as they do not work with our marketplace.
v 5.1.3 (2021-12-24) Added: Compatibility with the Martfury theme and resolved styling conflicts. Added: Compatibility with the WoodMart theme. Added: Compatibility with the Woostify theme. Added: 'Given by' column in backend feedback listing. Fixed: Review section for seller login and guest user. Fixed: Notice throwing on shipping class update. Fixed: Days format in notifications section on seller dashboard. Fixed: A seller shipping visible to other sellers on the backend dashboard. Fixed: Conflicts on seller registration with HM Multiple Roles plugin. Fixed: Responsive issue on seller shipping popup. Fixed: Admin Dashboard menu links not redirecting to the backend for seller login. Fixed: Advanced commission module availability check condition.
v 5.1.2 Added: Compatibility with custom registration plugin for field validations. Added: Settings to enable translation capability to sellers with WPML globally and individually. Added: Dynamic weight and dimensions units for seller products. Added: Option to show 'Shop Name' in seller list widget. Added: Loader on clicking the favorite seller heart icon on the single product page. Added: Compatibility with eMarket theme to show notices properly on shipping zone operations. Added: Filter hook for adding custom filed on add product form on seller front end. Added: Zipcode validation using WC function on the seller profile page. Added: Recipients option in seller emails similar to new WooCommerce email structure. Fixed: Email contents and setting keys to allow email translation for WPML sites. Fixed: Order history and order views page data. Fixed: Approve and disapprove process stuck on multilingual site. Fixed: Issues in updating shipping classes from seller frontend. Fixed: Showing seller name on seller profile page instead of the seller shop name. Fixed: Seller shipping layout and functionality for multiple shipping classes. Fixed: Variations are not removed from the seller product edit page. Fixed: XSS vulnerabilities issues in registration forms. Fixed: White screen issues on adding products and shipping on some PHP versions. Fixed: Issues in deleting shop followers and favorite sellers. Fixed: Shipping classes appearance on the seller and admin product edit pages on front end and backend both. Fixed: Shipping calculation for seller shipping through classes. Fixed: Assign product action not working for the translated site. Fixed: SKU validation issue. Fixed: Image upload issues from seller front end. Fixed: Icons are not showing on seller dashboard endpoints. Fixed: Custom footer messed up style on order history on seller backend dashboard. Fixed: Social URL and logo images update issues from seller backend dashboard.
v 5.1.0 Added: Minimum order amount feature for admin and seller. Added: Seller shop link on order items. Added: Become a seller feature for customers in the store. Added: Product quantity limit feature for admin and seller's product. Added: Order approval feature for seller's product. Added: Dynamic SKU feature for seller's product. Added: Sold by title on products on cart and checkout page. Added: Compatibility with some popular themes for seller dashboard layout. Improved: Seller profile UI to focus more on payment information. Improved: Feedback statuses pending, approved, disapproved. Fixed: Shipping calculations and their appearance issues. Fixed: Redundancy in review system UI. Fixed: HTML content is not storing properly in database form product description and short description fields. Fixed: Currency position according to WooCommerce settings on Seller dashboard grids.
v 5.0.2 (2021-07-12) Added: Google analytics feature to track customer activity on the site. Added: Google Analytics to track purchases, product sales, and seller product's activities. Added: Anonymize IP feature in Google analytics tracking. Added: Option to select custom seller page from Marketplace general settings. Added: Fallback function to create DB tables if it fails on activation. Fixed: Layout issues in the extension menu and re-opened it. Improved: Coding standards based on PHP and wp coding standards.
v 5.0.1 (2021-05-27) Enhancement - Added filter and action hooks for better compatibility with other add-ons. Removed - Unnecessary regular and sale price fields from add and edit product form for variable and grouped products. Added - Success notice on seller registration. Fixed - Fixed Seller can access some admin sections in the admin dashboard. Fixed - Fixed Seller add product page warning with PHP 7.4+. Fixed - Database tables were not created thus sellers are not listed. Fixed - coding standard using WordPress and WooCommerce ruleset. Fixed - Setting getting empty after updating from older versions. Added - Validation on -ive and empty commission value and added percentage symbol. Fixed - Handled issue with the empty row in seller listing when a seller is deleted. Fixed - SKU is deleting automatically when updating the product. Fixed - Query sorting order, the latest seller will have appeared at the top. Fixed - Shipping popup styling and missing title on the backend for MP Flat Rate shipping. Fixed - Issue with sending mail by the seller to their shop-followers. Fixed - Issue with adding and updating Variable and grouped products.
v 5.0.0 ( 2020-12-20 ) Enhancement - Changed coding structure as per Webkul default code structure. Enhancement - An added feature that sellers can configure shipping class in Marketplace Flat Rate Shipping Enhancement - Unique value should save when Endpoint saves. Enhancement - Added pagination where all seller reviews display on the seller profile view page. Fix - Fixed Seller order status issue when order placed from two different sellers. Fix - Fixed Seller can publish product from separate dashboard even he now allows for the same. Fix - Fixed product stock status issue on seller product list page at seller end.
v 4.9.3 Enhancement - Added Marketplace Local Pickup and Marketplace Freeshipping Method. Enhancement - Compatibility With Marketplace Tax Manager. Enhancement - Tax Refund by the seller. Fix - Deletion in Product variation.
v 4.9.2 Enhancement - Added a thumbnail for the product image uploaded by the seller. Enhancement - Added new hooks. Enhancement - Allowed Multiple Shipping Option. Enhancement - Added Option to show Admin Shipping zones or Seller Shipping Zones at Cart Page Fix - Fixed issue in displaying total seller amount with a respective refunded amount at seller order page at admin end. Fix- Fixed rewrite rules array issue.
v 4.9.1 Enhancement - Allow user to change endpoints and title of user Dashboard. Fix - Removed the dependency on the data table.
v 4.9.0 Enhancement - Added compatibility for Multisite. Enhancement - Added Refund management at the seller end. Enhancement - Added email templates for the seller for the following order status: on-hold, processing, completed, refunded, failed and cancelled. Enhancement - Added some translations. Enhancement - Added compatibility with WC Marketplace Split Order plugin. Fix - fixed transaction query. Fix - fixed transaction query.
v 4.8.4 Enhancement - Fixed virtual product issue on the seller side. Enhancement - Updated the commission part. Enhancement - Fixed seller mail for a new order. Enhancement - Fixed shipping page issue. Enhancement - Fixed seller approve issue on the seller-list page. Tweak - Added email templates Tweak - Added pagination in the products list page in the backend to load products faster. Tweak - Added compatibility with Webkul Marketplace Event Manager plugin. Tweak - Added compatibility with Webkul Marketplace Multicurrency plugin. Tweak - Added CSS for feedback popup.
v 4.8.3 Fixed: Fixed error on seller creation on the admin side. Update : Updated transaction function. Fixed: Fixed seller register mail issue. Fixed: Fixed the product type issue admin side. Fixed: Fixed the product metadata issue on the seller end. Added: Added additional information on seller order mail. Added: Added compatibility with Webkul Marketplace Reward plugin. Added: Added compatibility with Webkul Marketplace USPS shipping. Added: Added hook for adding order metadata on the seller side.
v 4.8.2 Update : Seller page CSS updated. Update: Commission management updated. Fixed: Translation issues fixed. Fixed: Product listing issues fixed. Fixed: Notification issues fixed. Fixed: Issues fixed for seller slug.
v 4.8.1 Update: Seller stats updated to display only seller data. Fixed: Fixed shipping issues.
v 4.8.0 New: Added the feature of a separate seller dashboard for the sellers. New: Added translation support where missing. New: Added additional fields provided for seller country and state on the profile page. New: Added seller query management. New: Added additional hooks and filters. New: Added mail template for admin answer regarding the query. Update: Updated the commission management. Fixed: Fixed responsive issues. Fixed: Fixed shipping class issue. Fixed: Fixed the shipping and discount issue. Fixed: Fixed the country SVG layout issue. Fixed: Fixed mail preview issue.
v 4.7.4 New: Added marketplace extension tab at admin end for showing add-ons and other Webkul WordPress and Woocommerce plugins. Fixed: Fixed the Emogrifier issue while sending mail to the seller while ordering. Fixed: Fixed error in adding shipping zone at seller end due to the updated version of Woocommerce 3.4. Update: The seller can now delete the particular shipping method while editing the shipping zone. Fixed: Fixed jquery error while seller creating a product. New: Added check for the WC_Admin_Report at the dashboard. Fixed: Fixed warnings and added the link to the login page in the favourite seller product page.
v 4.7.3 Update: Grouped Product addition flow updated as per WooCommerce 3. x.x. Update: Icons updated in the pages(Webkul icons introduced), used Webkul Rango fonts in place of Font Awesome. Update: Price display updated in product list at seller end. Update: Nonce added to prevent CSRF vulnerability while product delete at seller end.
v 4.7.2 New: Added filter to search the products by a seller in the admin panel. New: Added product page link in the order view at seller end. New: Added product variation details in the order view for the variable products at the seller end.
v 4.7.1 New: Introduced category tree at seller-end. Update: Updated new order mail action for the seller. Update: Updated seller delete page layout.
v 4.7.0 New: Introduced transactions. New: Mass assign products to sellers added. New: Upsells/Cross-sells features added for the seller. New: Seller reviews approval from admin-end integrated.
v 4.6.0 New : Front-end design (layout) updated [Major Update]. New: A buyer can give a review to the seller in a more interactive way. New: Marketplace Seller Dashboard updated with new and interactive charts. New: Marketplace Seller Menu added with the WooCommerce default menu to make it more accessible. New: Log added in the "Ask Admin" feature at seller-end. New: Visibility of seller rating on the product page. New: Seller Profile asset visibility configuration added at admin-end. New: Manual commission pay feature added. New: Inbuilt Marketplace Flat Rate Shipping. Update: Email template feature updated, and preview added. Update: Multiple selections of product gallery images added at seller-end. Fixed: Fixed all XSS vulnerabilities. Fixed: Login with Facebook while reviewing seller fixed.
v 4.5.0 New: Provide multiple file uploads for the downloadable product at the seller end. Update: Rewrite rules updated. Update: Seller preview and collection page restrictions. Update: Shipping access restrictions for the seller. Update: Add product update notice at seller end. Fixed: Variable product issue fixed. Fixed: Default Dashboard view at seller end fixed. Fixed: XSS vulnerability at seller's profile edit page. Fixed: Seller shop follower page design issue fixed.
v 4.4.0 Introduced multi-language feature, added .pot file. Code standardization. Introduced e-mail templates for various actions like seller registration, ask admin, etc. Introduced notification centre at admin as well as seller end.
v 4.3.2 Introduced Separate Seller Registration feature which can be managed by admin.
v 4.3.1 Add feature to convert a customer into a seller by changing role and vice-versa. Update module as per the new version of WooCommerce i.e., 3.0
v 4.3.0 Introduced a new Invoice management feature in the plugin for seller and admin end. Introduced New shop follow feature / Favourite Seller in marketplace plugin. Fixed my account pages calling bugs.
v 4.2.3 Updated hook in seller panel list files for adding more tabs by plugins.
v 4.2.2 Introduced seller shipping management. Bug fixed in deletion of the zone to seller meta table and the page reloaded once zone cost is defined.
v 4.2.1 Fixed bugs related to the visibility of seller products.
v 4.0.0 Product by a feature on the product page is introduced. Rewrite rule updated for shop address.
v 3.0.0 Phone number validation updated.
v 2.3.0 Edit product page Vulnerability issue fixed. Setting page admin hidden value for seller page title is updated.
v 2.2.0 Bugs fixed related with admin end. Facebook login issue fixed.
v 2.1.0 Bugs Fixed with DEBUG MODE = true
v 2.0.0 Updated version with many bugs fixed and new controls to the seller.
v 1.0.0 Initial release