WP Slick Slider and Image Carousel Pro Plus WPBakery Page Builder Support

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Current Version : 1.6

Display multiple slick image slider and carousel using shortcode with category. Fully responsive, Swipe enabled, Desktop mouse dragging and Infinite looping. Fully accessible with arrow key navigation Autoplay, dots, arrows etc.

It uses A custom post type and taxonomy to create a slider, with almost unlimited options and support for multiple sliders on any page. You can also display image slider on your website header.

Compatible with Your Favorite Page Builder and Themes

Page Builder Support

30 Beautiful Designs for Slider

Present your beautiful images to a stunning slideshow.


Display your beautiful photographs for all to see.


33 Beautiful Designs for Variable Width

Unlike normal slideshows, variable width shows multiple images at any one time.


Powerful Shortcode Generator Tool

You are able to setup the plugin as quickly as possible due to the Built in Live Shortcode Generator.


Change Log:

= 1.6 (20, July 2022) =
* [*] New - Added new shortcode parameter 'slider_nav' for [slick-slider] shortcode. Now thumbnail slider will work for all designs.
* [*] Update - Remove navigation (Thumbnail) restriction from particular designs.
* [*] Update - Remove edge browser from wprpsp_old_browser() function by considering it as a old browser.
* [*] Update - Update post sorting functionality to work smoothly with pagination.
* [*] Update - Update latest license code files.
* [*] Fix - SEO & HTML validation error of empty image source when plugin lazy load is enabled.
* [*] Fix - Image is not visible in old browser when plugin lazy load is enabled.
* [*] Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy.

= 1.5 (18, Apr 2022) =
* [*] New - Added Reset Setting functionality.
* [*] New - Add new read more text meta option to manage slide wise text of link.
* [*] Update - Use escaping and sanitize functions for better security.
* [*] Update - Add nonce security while saving slide sorting order in admin area.
* [*] Update - Update Slick slider JS to stable version 1.8.0
* [*] Update - JavaScript syntax for jQuery 3.0 and higher with compatibility to WordPress version 5.6
* [*] Update - Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.9.3
* [*] Update - Update latest license code files.
* [*] Update - Plugin demo and documentation link.
* [*] Fix - Fixed navigation slider center mode issues when slider_nav_column is less then total number of slides.
* [*] Fix - Fixed slider initialize issue in Elementor tab and accordion.
* [*] Fix - Fixed one deprecated warning in Gutenberg block from WordPress 5.7
* [*] Fix - Fixed slider initialization issue with Elementor vertical tab.
* [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements.
* [*] Template File - Major template file has been changed. If you have an override template file in your theme then verify with the latest copy.

= 1.4 (28, June 2021) =
* [+] New - Added Elementor page builder support.
* [+] New - Added SiteOrigin page builder support.
* [+] New - Added Beaver builder support.
* [+] New - Added Fusion Page Builder (Avada Theme Builder) native support.
* [+] New - Added Divi page builder native support.
* [*] New - Improved WP Bakery Page Builder Support. Now plugin works in page builder tab, accordion, toggle and etc elements.
* [+] New - Click to copy the shortcode from the getting started page.
* [*] Check compatibility to WordPress version 5.7.2.
* [+] Update - Major changes in CSS and JS.

= 1.3 (03, March 2020) =
* [+] New - Added Gutenberg block. Now use plugin easily with Gutenberg!
* [+] New - Added 'hover_pause' and 'focus_pause' shortcode parameter for all slider shortcodes. Now you can pause the slider on mouse hover and slider element focus.
* [+] New - Added 'centermode' shortcode parameter for '[slick-carousel-slider]' slider shortcode.
* [*] Fix - Resolved title color issue and title designing issue when title link is not applied.
* [*] Fix - Resolved hover issue in WordPress default theme "Twenty Ninteen".
* [+] Update - Minified some CSS and JS.
* [*] Tweak - Pagination will if page is divided into multiple pages with <!--nextpage--> tag.
* [*] Tweak - Pagination will work on single post also.
* [*] Tweak - Code optimization and performance improvements.
* [*] Template File - Major template file has been updated. If you have override template file then verify with latest copy.

= 1.2 (22, Sep 2018) =
* [+] New - Added Templating feature. Now you can override plugin design from your current theme!!
* [+] New - Added 'query_offset' parameter for shortcodes.
* [*] Tweak - Taken better care of Post Title as image ALT tag.

= 1.1 (27, March 2018) =
* [+] Introduced 'Shortcode Generator' functionality with Preview Panel.
* [+] Added 'extra_class' shortcode parameter in plugin shortcode. Now you can add your extra class and use it for custom designing.
* [*] Used 'wp_reset_postdata' instead of 'wp_reset_query'.
* [*] Fixed some minor designing issues.

= 1.0 =
* Initial release.


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