WPGYM App – Mobile App for WordPress Gym System

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DEMO URL: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.pushnifty.gymapp
iTunes Appstore: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/wordpress-gym-application/id1571921345

User Role Username Password
Member member@gmail.com member

combine with wp gym - complete web and mobile gym solution

WPGymManagement System WordPress App
GYM Management System App for android

class Management System wordpress plugin

WPGYM App – Mobile App for WordPress Gym System - 1
WPGYM App – Mobile App for WordPress Gym System - 2
WPGYM App – Mobile App for WordPress Gym System - 3
WPGYM App – Mobile App for WordPress Gym System - 4

Update History

  • 21-11-2023

    - Signup error issue solved.
    - Member Attendence Scanner issue Solved.
    - Message inbox and sent Crash issue solved.
    - Some design issue solved.
  • 13-06-2023

    - Push notification related issue solved.
    - Member can delete their own account -> Account page.
  • 20-04-2023

    -App crash-related issue solved.
    -Expo Version move 45.0.0 into 48.0.0
    -Expo-cli version move 6.0.8 into 6.3.2
    -react-native version move 0.68.2 into 0.71.4
    -expo-barcode-scanner version move 11.3.0 into 12.3.2
    -expo-camera version move 12.2.0 into 13.2.1
    -expo-constants version move 13.1.1 into 14.2.1
    -expo-device version move 4.2.0 into 5.2.1
    -expo-image-manipulator version move 10.3.1 into 11.1.1
    -expo-image-picker version move 13.1.1 into 14.1.1
    -expo-localization version move 13.0.0 into 14.1.1
    -expo-media-library version move 14.1.0 into 15.2.3
    -expo-notifications version move 0.15.4 into 0.18.1
    -expo-permissions version move 13.2.0 into 14.1.1
    -expo-secure-store version move 11.2.0 into 12.1.1
    -expo-status-bar version move 1.3.0 into 1.4.0
    -expo-updates version move 0.13.4 into 0.16.3
    -react version move 17.0.2 into 18.2.0
    -react-dom version move 17.0.2 into 18.2.0
    -react-native-gesture-handler version move 2.2.1 into 2.9.0
    -react-native-reanimated version move 2.8.0 into 2.14.4
    -react-native-safe-area-context version move 4.2.4 into 4.5.0
    -react-native-screens version move 3.11.1 into 3.20.0
    -react-native-svg version move 12.3.0 into 13.4.0
    -react-native-web version move 0.17.7 into 0.18.7
    -react-native-webview version move 11.18.1 into 11.26.0
  • 14-11-2022

    -Push notification related issue fixed.
    -PDF cache-related issue solved and view on webview.
    -Document updated - Steps reference video added.
  • 26-09-2022

    - Implemented notification functionality.
    - Fixed staff member user design and feature-related bugs.
  • 24-06-2022

    - Implement Redux functionality.
    - Improved Application Performance.
    - Centralized all CSS and called dynamically.
    - Code cleaning.
  • 02-06-2022

    -Update dropdown package with multi-select function.
    -Fixed some package and code-related warnings and errors.
    -Fixed IOS sdk version related issue. 
    -Fixed design related issues.
    -Fixed feature related bugs.
    -API changes
  • 21-05-2022

    -Class booking feature added - Member side.
    -Staff member login enabled.
    -Documentation updated - Added installation videos.
    -Fixed design-related issues.
    -Fixed feature related bugs.
    -Fixed language translation bugs.
  • 26-04-2022

    - Fixed design related issues.
    - Fixed feature related bugs.
    - Update language translation.
    - Remove some unnecessary codes and packages.
  • 16-03-2022

    - Design and Feature bugs solved.
    - Fix app crash related issues.
    - API change.
    - Updated Documentation.
  • 09-08-2021

    - Design and Feature bugs solved.
    -Language related issue solved. 
    -Implement Access Right.
  • 24-06-2021

    -Fixed some Design bugs.
    -Language related issue solved.
    -Added back handler alert message on login screen.
    -Added option to update measurement.  
  • 22-06-2021

    - Initial Release


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