Xhibiter is a modern responsive NFT marketplace Figma template. Comes with a design system, dark mode, 2271 icons, components, global styles and colors. This template is ideal for NFT, digital art, cryptocurrency, and crypto-collectibles websites. All the important UI components like modals, sliders, tabs, charts, dropdown menus, tooltips are included in the package. Xhibiter includes 73+ clean and well organized Figma files. Start building modern and clean websites with Xhibiter today.
What buyers said about our products
Main features
- 73+ Screens
- 22+ Mobile screens
- Dark mode ready
- 2271 icons included
- Clean and well structured Figma files
- Style guides, components and styles
- Modals, tooltips, dropdowns and charts
- Easy to customize
- Free fonts
- Amazing 5 stars support
- And much more…
If you have any questions feel free to visit our Support Forum
Fonts used
Note: All images are for preview purposes only and are not included in the download files.