Your Videos Channel

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Your Videos Channel

Your Videos Channel is a mobile video system which run under Android platform that used for your own Video channel application and support YouTube integration. With powerful and Responsive Admin Panel can manage unlimited category and upload video item or video source from youtube, also can change admin username and password with generate password, etc. This application created by Android for client side and then PHP MySQL for Admin side. Run under Android platform which is the most popular operating system in the world. Using this application you can save your money and time in creating application for your own Videos Application.

Demo Android App

Your Videos Channel - 1

Demo Admin Panel

Your Videos Channel - 2

Username: admin

Password: admin

Your Videos Channel - 3

What You Get :

  • Full Android Source Code
  • Full Php Code of Server Side
  • Full Documentation with Screenshot
Your Videos Channel v5.1.0 (13/09/2023)
Important: This update is required to keep the app compliant 
with the latest Google Play policies
- Android Studio Giraffe | 2022.3.1 Patch 1
- Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.1.1
- Update targetSdk 34
- Update OneSignal 5
- Update Dependencies
- Supports of 4 types of ad network libraries (simple-ads-sdk, triple-ads-sdk, multi-ads-sdk and no-ads-sdk)
- Uses simple-ads-sdk as default ad networks sdk
- YouTube API Key fields removed (No longer used)

Your Videos ChannelL v5.0.1 (01/06/2023)
- Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 2
- Fix cannot play video from YouTube source (rare case)
- Add option to force show app open ads or not from AppConfig (false by default)

Your Videos Channel v5.0.0 (12/05/2023)
- Android Studio Flamingo | 2022.2.1 Patch 1
- Android Gradle Plugin (AGP) 8.0.0
- Update Gradle distribution url 8.0
- Update dependencies
- Remove YouTube Android Player API
- Add YouTube IFrame Player API
- Add New Wortise Ad Network
- Enable or disable certain ad formats or placements from the admin panel
- Change design of exit dialog with Native Ad supports
- Category can be set as the main menu from AppConfig

Your Videos Channel v4.5.0 (15/02/2023)
- Android Studio Electric Eel | 2022.1.1 Patch 1
- Update Gradle 7.4
- Add close dialog confirmation before exit app
- Add AppLovin Max App Open Ad
- Add AppLovin Discovery Banner (MREC) with the placement position in the Native Ad sections
- Add Native Ad background color
- Add quality option for videos from url or upload source (4nee5 contribution)
- Prevent app accessed using vpn or packet capture apps (4nee5 contribution)
- Request popup permission on Android 13
- FCM notification topic and OneSignal App ID must be configured for both the android studio project and the admin panel (notifications.xml and the admin panel)

Your Videos Channel v4.4.1 (15/10/2022)
- Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1 Patch 1
- Fix Redirect App not working
- Add enable/disable video feature from the admin panel

Your Videos Channel v4.4.0 (10/10/2022)
- Android Studio Dolphin | 2021.3.1
- Update Gradle 7.3
- Update targetSdkVersion 33
- Fix Ads Sdk issue on Google Play Developer Console
- Remove Unity Ads (caused Google Play Error Message)
- Add Google Ad Manager Ads (New)
- Add IronSource Ads (New)
- Add Meta Audience Network - Waterfall (New)
- Support custom thumbnail for YouTube video source
- Redirect App (if app inactive, suspended, etc)

Your Videos Channel v4.3.1 (13/03/2022)
- Fix Play/Pause not working in ExoPlayer
- Fix load more not working in video list based on certain category
- Fix minor bugs

Your Videos Channel v4.3.0 (04/03/2022)
- Android Studio Bumblebee | 2021.1.1 Patch 2
- Update Gradle 7.2
- Update targetSdkVersion 32
- Add New Ad Network (AppLovin Discovery)
- Add AppLovin MAX Native Ad (Manual)
- Add Backup Ads
- In-App Review
- In-App Update
- Admin panel improvements
- Bulk delete videos
- More apps url can be managed from the admin panel settings menu
- Fix Zip Path Transversal error caused library on Play Store publication

Your Videos Channel v4.2.0 (16/08/2021)
- Android Studio Arctic Fox | 2020.3.1 Patch 2
- Update Gradle 7.0
- Migrate jCenter to mavenCentral
- Min SDK version 21 (Lollipop)
- Add New Ad Network (AppLovin & Unity Ads)
- Audience Network Open Bidding (AdMob & AppLovin)
- Add App Open Ad format for AdMob
- Fix cannot play YouTube Video
- Security improvement by replacing admin panel url with server key

Your Videos Channel v4.1.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 4.0.1
- Update targetSdkVersion 30
- 3 Option Ad Network Providers (AdMob, Facebook Audience Network, StartApp)
- Ad Network is managed from admin panel (Remote Ads)
- YouTube API Key managed from admin panel
- Fix crash when open the application is some cases

Your Videos Channel v4.0.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.6.3
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Library
- New UI/UX Design Improvement
- Add Dark Mode
- AdMob Native Ad
- Videos sort (most popular, oldest & newest)
- Shimmer Effect on Refresh
- Suggested Videos
- Fix security alert from Google Play (caused older OneSignal library)
- Fix previous notifications disappear when receiving new notification
- Purchase Code verification Improvement

Your Videos Channel v3.3.1
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.4.1
- Update to Gradle 5.1.1
- Fix data not displayed on Android P (Pie) or above
- Multidex Enabled
- Fix Error when build the project

Your Videos Channel v3.3.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.3.0
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Dependencies Library
- Update targetSdkVersion 28
- Fix description content that doesn't appear
- Integrated with OneSignal Push Notification
- Handle to show dialog notification when app is opened
- Handle duplicate token when users re-install the app
- Admin Panel new design
- Fix Connection time out when sending fcm notification
- Push Notification to open link
- Package name validation
- Add new Settings menu for app package name, push notification provider (fcm / onesignal), site protocol, onesignal app id & rest api key

Your Videos Channel v3.2.0
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.2.0
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Library
- Comply with GDPR Policy for EEA (European Economic Area) country
- Fix favorite menu not refreshed when favorite video removed
- Fix notification not received on Android O
- Old Version Removed (Deprecated)

Your Videos Channel v3.0.0
Important Note : This version as new app and it's not compatible with previous or older version, so, using this latest project and admin panel is mandatory.
New Features and Improvement :
- Build in latest Android Studio 3.0.1
- Update to latest Gradle Tools and Library
- Improvement Material Design UI
- Add Load More function
- Firebase Notification
- Youtube Live Support
- Implement Exoplayer for Video Player and Streaming
- Supports More Formats Video and Streaming
- Implement Retrofit for Rest API
- Implement Google AdMob according Policy Recommendation
- Interstitial Ad interval
- Easy Way Switch to RTL Mode (for Arabic Language)
- Advanced Search
- Add View Count
- Fix NullPointerException
- Admin Panel New UI
- Remove unused permission in AndroidManifest for policy violation
- Optimized to latest Android O
Removed features :
- Eclipse Project Removed (Deprecated)
- Onesignal Removed

Your Videos Channel v2.1.0
- Build in latest Android Studio and Eclipse
- Migrate Push Notification from Parse to OneSignal
- Improvement UI Design
- Swipe Down Refresh Menu
- New Look in News Detail View
- Add Google Analytics
- RTL Version Included

Your Videos Channel v1.2.0
- Fix issue while error playing video from YouTube Source
- Update YouTube API library
- Improvement Application Design
- Improvement for Android Studio and Eclipse Projects code structure
- Update Parse Library
- Easy Enable or Disable AdMob
- Placing AdMob according new Google AdMob Policy Recommendation
- Fix some minor bugs

Your Videos Channel v1.1.0
- Available for Eclipse ADT Project Version
- Fix utf-8 unicode characters for support multiple language

Your Videos Channel v1.0.0
- Initial Release

Your Videos Channel - 4

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Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other

Demo Url
Mobile Files Included

.java, .xml, PHP

Video Preview Resolution
