Youtubers – Android Youtube Channel App 4.2

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Are you a content creator? Are you a vlogger? do you have a youtube channel? Do you want to get more viewers and subscribers? or you want to get closer to them?
Yes, You come to the right application. Youtubers is android platform for your youtube channel. We provide lite and simple app with beatiful display will increasing your user interaction. And You can directly send notification to their phone, you can notify your new released video. With youtuber you can display your video from your own channel or video from other channel. This app designed for single channel and you can monetize this app with integrated admob.

Purchase this now, What are you waiting for ?


  • Implement Material Design for Android
  • Hide on scroll actionbar
  • Well Designed Material Drawer
  • Integrated With FCM push notification
  • Menu Favorites Video
  • Search Video
  • Full screen video
  • Easy color customize
  • Share video
  • Rate App
  • Details Channel
  • Dynamic Description Channel
  • Dynamic Banner & Avatar Channel
  • Easy configuration
  • Swipe to refresh
  • Realm database for store favorites data
  • Beatiful Cardview
  • Ripple Effect
  • Integrate with Firebase Analytics
  • Support 4 Ad network : admob, fan, unity, applovin
  • Using Android Studio & Build Gradle
  • Clean & Neat Code (Relative)


  1. Full Android Source Code
  2. Project Documentation

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# VERSION 4.2 - (23 Aug 2023)
- Migrate from Fragment Youtube player to IFrame Youtube Player
- Code Improvement and remote config
- Update target SDK to 34
- Update gradle & library version to latest
- Add random api key each request
- Add open app format ads

VERSION 4.0 - (10 Sep 2022) 
- Code improvement
- Improve remote config
- Update target SDK to 32
- Update gradle version
- Update library version
- Add support live video

VERSION 3.4 - (13 March 2022) 
- Code improvement
- Improve remote config
- Update target SDK to 31
- Update gradle version
- Update library version
- Implement 4 Ad network : admob, fan, unity, applovin

VERSION 3.3 - (08 Jun 2021) 
- Update latest gradle, library tools,
- Fix player error on android 11

VERSION 3.2 - (03 Feb 2021) 
- Update latest gradle, library tools,
- Fix error crash when video deleted or private
- Fix not showing channel info at drawer menu
- Implement description video selectable

# VERSION 3.1 - (22 Aug 2020) 
- remove unused permission,
- enable text selection on video description,
- Update latest gradle, library tools

# VERSION 3.0 - (09 Apr 2020) 
- Migrate to AndroidX,
- Update latest gradle, library tools,
- Improve notification with image,
- Implement Firebase Remote Config,
- Add Feature App Version Control

# UPDATE 2.0 - (19 Nov 2019) 
- Update to SDK 28
- Update latest gradle tools
- Add watched video sign
- Add web panel for notification
- Add notification history
- Interstitial before show video
- Migrate to Room DB

# UPDATE 1.3.1 - (28 Aug 2018) 
- Fix crash on startup

# UPDATE 1.3 - (18 Jul 2018) 
- Update latest gradle tools
- Add GDPR admob

# UPDATE 1.2 - (26 Nov 2017) 
- Fix crash on kitkat 
- Improve player 
- Improve interstitial display

# UPDATE 1.1 - (26 Oct 2017)
 - Remove ads from video player, to meet Google Policy


We not accept refund with reason google play rejected your app

Keyword : material design, youtube app, red, android template, android youtube, youtube viewer, youtube android, vlogger, android vlogger, youtube channel, android channel.

Extended License


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Informação adicional

Compatible Software

Android 12.0, Android 11.0, Android 10.0, Android 9.0, Other

Demo Url

Mobile Files Included

.apk, .java, .xml, JavaScript JS, CSS, HTML

Video Preview Resolution
