Yui – Mobile Template

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SKU: 22407164 Categorias: , Tags: , , , , , , , , , Sales: 1003




Yui is a modern HTML mobile template that will help you create a mobile website, a Progressive Web App or even a native app using a solution like Apache Cordova.

With a wide range of pages and components built according to the latest mobile design standards and using fast and smooth transitions between pages, the template is designed to create the best native-like mobile experience.

Easy To Use

— All components are coded at the same hierarchical level. This uniform structuring approach allows you to easily copy and paste them without worrying about where to put them: they all go inside the same div.

— Most of the dynamic components, such as the sliders, are auto-initialized, which means you can copy and paste them and edit their content without writing a single line of JavaScript.

— Dark & Light Mode and Color Theme can be changed in 1 second.

Pages, Components & Features

Pre-designed Pages:

  • Discover
  • News
  • Pages
  • Components
  • Features
  • Sign In
  • Sign Up
  • Forgot Password
  • Messages
  • Chat
  • Single
  • Create Post
  • Movie
  • Album
  • Calendar
  • Help Center
  • Contact Us
  • Settings
  • Categories
  • Profile
  • Search
  • Onboarding
  • Notifications
  • Panel

Reusable Components:

  • Accordion (4 styles)
  • Badge (3 styles)
  • Buttons (5 styles)
  • Preloader (5 styles)
  • Progress Bar (3 styles)
  • Checkbox (4 styles)
  • Picker
  • Radio (3 styles)
  • Ranger Slider (3 styles)
  • Stepper
  • Text Input
  • Toggle Button
  • Card (2 styles)
  • Card with footer
  • Big card
  • Card Slider (2 styles)
  • Card with footer Slider
  • Author Slider
  • Category Slider
  • Album Slider
  • Movie Slider
  • List
  • Links list
  • List with badge
  • List with icon
  • List with images
  • Event List
  • Event List with images
  • Post List
  • Stocks
  • Author List
  • Album List
  • Rating
  • Detailed Rating
  • Ticket (3 styles)
  • Ticket Slider
  • History Timeline
  • Information Block (3 styles)
  • Link Banner (5 styles)
  • Link banner with images
  • Comments


  • Action Sheet (Confirm)
  • Action Sheet (Actions)
  • Columns
  • Dialog (Alert)
  • Dialog (Confirm)
  • Icons
  • Infinite Scroll
  • Notification
  • Page
  • Panel
  • Photo Browser
  • Popover (Text)
  • Popover (Links)
  • Popup (Standard)
  • Popup (With Navbar)
  • Popup (Swipe to close)
  • Pull To Refresh
  • Sheet Modal (Swipe to close)
  • Sheet Modal (Scrollable)
  • Swipe To Delete
  • Swipe To Delete (With confirm)
  • Tabs
  • Text Editor (Light)
  • Text Editor (Advanced)
  • Text Editor (Complete)
  • Toast (Bottom, top, center)
  • Toast (With close button)
  • Tooltip
  • Typography


  • Framework7 V8 Based
  • Dark Mode
  • 15 Colors themes
  • Respects iOS guidelines
  • Retina ready
  • Cordova & Phonegap ready
  • Routing
  • Fast & Smooth page transitions
  • 1200+ Icons


Is this template a WordPress Theme?

No. This is an HTML mobile template built with HTML, CSS and JS only.

Do you provide support?
Yes, it is mentioned that I do not support this item because I cannot guarantee to be available 7/7, but I will be happy to help you if you have any questions or difficulties. Simply contact me via my Envato profile.

Is this template compatible with Android?

Yes, even though it was designed with the iOS graphics guidelines in mind, there is nothing stopping you from running it on Android, and it will work the same on any device.

Can I get a refund if I accidentally purchased this item?

No. If you are not sure if this product is right for you and have any questions before purchasing, please feel free to contact me via my Envato profile or in the comments of this item.

Note: All images are used for demonstration purposes only. They are not included with the item and replaced with placeholder images.

Credits: Freepik, Unsplash, Pexels


v2.3 – November 8, 2023

Changes : 
- Updated to Framework7 v8.3.0

Affected files :
- style.css
- framework7-bundle.css & framework7-bundle.js 

v2.2 – August 21, 2023

Changes : 
- Fixed swipe back page animation
- Enabled navigation using system back button on Android

Affected files :
- style.css
- app.js

v2.1 – July 21, 2023

Changes : 
- All pages are now preloaded and cached at first opening to make the navigation even more faster
- Added support for RTL (Right to left) layout for languages such as Arabic or Hebrew
- Minor CSS corrections

Affected files :
- style.css
- app.js

v2.0 – MAJOR UPDATE – July 3, 2023

Changes : 
- Entire item redesign
- Updated Framework7 from v7.1 to v8.1
- Added dozens of new Pages & Components
- Most of components are now auto-initialized
- Cleaner code structure
- Improved documentation

Affected files :
- All files

v1.2 – February 15, 2022

Changes : 
- Updated Framework7 from v6.3 to v7.1
- Minor CSS corrections

Affected files :
- All JS files
- All CSS files

v1.2 – December 20, 2021

Changes : 
- Updated Framework7 from v5.5 to v6.3
- Minor CSS corrections

Affected files :
- All JS files
- All CSS files

v1.1 – March 25, 2020

Changes : 
- Updated Framework7 from v3 to v5.5
- Replaced Ionicons by Framework7 Icons
- Minor bugs fixed
- Little design improvements

Affected files :
- All files

v1.0.1 – September 15, 2018

Changes : 
- The stackPages parameter has been added to the app initialization. This allows you to navigate in depth through the app (more than 2 levels).
- The results in Search tab are now links

Affected files :
- app.js
- index.html

Informação adicional



Compatible Browsers

IE10, IE11, Firefox, Safari, Opera, Chrome, Edge

Compatible With
Demo Url



Well Documented

High Resolution




Themeforest Files Included

HTML Files, CSS Files, JS Files


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