Zahra – is a Responsive Personal Portfolio Template suitabe for Resume or Portfolio websites designed for creative designers, developers, freelancers or pretty much any profession. This Template is Fully responsive, All files and code has been well organized and nicely commented for easy to customize.
It’s available in Light and Dark Versions.Zahra is better way to present your modern Portfolio/ Resume.
Main Features:
- 02 Demos
- Dark / Light Versions
- 08 Colors Switchers
- Modern Design
- HTML5, CSS3, jQuery
- Include Bootstrap V3.3.7
- Responsive Design
- Mobile Menu for Small Devices
- commented code
- W3C Valid HTML Code
- Well documented
- Easy Edit
- Google Fonts
- Font Awesome Icons
- Smooth Scroll
- Displays well in all modern browsers and devices
- Ajax Contact Form
- And much more…
What do you get?
- HTML Files
- CSS Files
- JS Files
- PHP Files
- documentation
Sources and Credits:
- jQuery
- Bootstrap
- Owl Carousel
- Filterizr
- Particles
- Magnific Popup
- CountTo
- Font Awesome
- Montserrat(Google Fonts)
- Open Sans(Google Fonts)
- Images are only for demo purpose and not included with the download bundle.