Zaiproty Complete Property management software streamlines the day-to-day operations of property owners and managers. With features like online rent payments, maintenance requests, and lease tracking, this software makes it easy to manage multiple properties from one centralized platform. Say goodbye to manual processes and hello to increased efficiency
and profitability with our property management software. The website has three different panels – Owner, Maintainer, and Tenant. We’ll get to the details of every panel in this documentation. So let’s start with our awesome script.
Check Our Demo –
Property Owner/Admin
Password: 123456
Password: 123456
Password: 123456
Why Choose Zaiproty
• Built with Laravel & Bootstrap.
• Multiple Property manage.
• Multiple Tenate manage.
• Multiple Maintainer manage.
• Billing & Invoice.
• Expance manage.
• All Document manage.
• All Information manage.
• Support Ticket System.
• All popular payment gateway.
• Multi Language.
• Change theme color option.
• Change password.
• 8 Popular Payment Methods.
• XSS: Protection from cross-site scripting.
• Secure Bcrypt password hashing.
• SMTP Support.
• Easy translation.
• Maintenance Mode.
• Advanced Report.
• Mobile Responsive.
• RTL Support.
• Cookies Settings.
In which technology do you use to develop the Zaiproty?
For the Zaiproty development we used Laravel, Html, CSS, and Bootstrap, And for the database we use Mysql.
Is this Zaiproty Script Plag & Play?
Yes, its completely ready to use. Just install it on your server and start to use it.
Can I customize any code or feature?
Yes sure, if you are a developer or if you have a developer you can customize our code and any kind of feature.
Do you offer installation support?
Yes, we offer paid installation support.
If I face any bug or error, can I get help from you?
Yes, 100%. If you face any bug or error (Mistake from our side) we will fix this update without any cost.
Do I get a lifetime free update once we will buy it?
Yes, 100%. You will get a lifetime free update.
Do I get lifetime free support once we will buy it?
Unfortunately! No. You don’t offer any free support.
Can I run the product on shared hosting?
Yes, there are no limitations with shared hosting plans.
Does the product support RTL languages?
Yes, the product supports the RTL direction perfectly in the front end.
Which payment gateways are supported?
There are 8 gateways supported for different countries. Paypal, Stripe, Razorpay, SSLCOMMERZ, Mollie, Paystack, and Bank/Manual Payment are included. For supported countries,
you can check our application settings.
Changlog Version 3.5
- Recurring invoice Url cron added - Expense search issue fixed - Tenant payment history issue fixed - Code Optimized - Security and patch update. Issue fix.
Changlog Version 3.4
- Code Optimized - Security and patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 3.3
- Code Optimized - Security and patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 3.2
- Code Optimized - Security and patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 3.1
- Landing page enable and disable added - Package assigned to an owner added - Code optimized - Security and patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 3.0
- Comfortable listing saas. - Owner invoice print information added. - Google reCaptcha added. - Location base search added - Code Optimize. - Security and patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 2.8
- Tenant delete option add. - Reminder invoice add. - Code Optimize. - Security and a patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 2.7
- Email verification added - Comfortable multi-tenancy saas. - Code Optimize. - Security and a patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 2.6
- Maintainer assigned to multiple properties. - Unit delete option add. - Code Optimize. - Security and a patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 2.5
- Comfortable agreement addon - Code Optimize - Security and a patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 2.4
- Security deposit fixed and percentage system. - Late fee fixed and percentage system. - Occupancy report. - Maintenance report. - Tenant report. - Code Optimize. - Security and a patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 2.3
- Code Optimize - Security and a patch update. - Issue fix.
Changlog Version 2.2
- Users can delete his/her own account. - Multiple view list added. - Cash payment added. - Document config demo file upload added. - Generate invoice from tenant details added. - Optimize & issue fix.
Changlog Version 2.1
- Loss/Profit report added - Language font added - Optimize & issue fix.
- Added tax in the invoice. - Added report in owner. - Optimize & issue fix.
- Invoice auto recurring setting added. - Invoice auto recurring with cron added. - Validation message issue fix. - Security and patch update.
Need Support?
Feel free to contact us any time. We have a dedicated team to provide you with the support. Please Create A Ticket.
Important Note
We don’t have a refund policy If you download our code! Please check our demo and documentation before you make any purchases! Feel free to ask us your pre-sale query!