This Graphic Pack is used in Zombie Cows
You can try the game here
This Graphic Pack is conceived to be used in a game whose resolution is: 1920×1080
What Will You Get?
Sources Folder containing:
- Cow_0 to Cow_7 Sprites Sequence (.png)
- Hole_1 to Hole8 (.png)
- Background (.png)
- Chars_intro (.png)
- Grass (.png)
- Logo (.png)
- Mushrooms (.png)
- Object (.png)
- Pay Background (.png)
- Pay Grass (.png)
- Pay Table (.png)
- Background Game(.psd)
- Background Help (.psd)
- Background Menu (.psd)
- Cow_0 to Cow_7 Animation (.fla)
- Hammer_Cow (.fla)
Sprites Folder containing:
- Background Game (.jpg)
- Background Menu (.jpg)
- Background Help(.jpg)
- Audio Icon (.png)
- Button Exit(.png)
- Button Play(.png)
- Cow_0 to Cow_7 Spritesheet(.png)
- Hammer Icon (.png)
- Hole Spritesheet (.png)
- Message Box (.png)
- Target (.png)
Adobe Creator Sofware Used: CS6
The font used is
- Jack Input
You can download it here
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